หรือ ฟรี
- 1การประชุม
- 23ผู้เรียนทั้งหมดที่ลงทะเบียนเรียน
- Englishภาษาเสียง
Are you finding yourself affected by negative people and can't seem to shake it off when someone close to you is having a bad day? Are you (or is someone you love) described as "sensitive" and affected by every little thing that happens during the day? Do you identify as being an empath?
Because of the shifting earth energies, people everywhere are waking up to psychic gifts they never knew they had. Empaths everywhere are being affected by the energy of others without even realizing it.
Join Astrologer Meredith McCowan with special guest Psychic Medium Natalie Fowler for a casual, book-club-style class to learn about the different psychic gifts and how to recognize them in yourself and others. Understand what it means to be an empath and how to work with that energy, instead of being affected by it. We will also go over psychic protection tips and tricks to learn how to keep our energy fields safe from the energy happening all around us. Meredith will be discussing how different symbols in your natal chart affect your sensitivity and psychic gifts.
This is a good class for anyone who is waking up to psychic gifts they are just figuring out, or anyone who identifies as being an empath. This is also a good class for anyone who has children who have been described as "overly-sensitive" as we will talk about how to adapt the tools and techniques learned to help those we love.
Because of the shifting earth energies, people everywhere are waking up to psychic gifts they never knew they had. Empaths everywhere are being affected by the energy of others without even realizing it.
Join Astrologer Meredith McCowan with special guest Psychic Medium Natalie Fowler for a casual, book-club-style class to learn about the different psychic gifts and how to recognize them in yourself and others. Understand what it means to be an empath and how to work with that energy, instead of being affected by it. We will also go over psychic protection tips and tricks to learn how to keep our energy fields safe from the energy happening all around us. Meredith will be discussing how different symbols in your natal chart affect your sensitivity and psychic gifts.
This is a good class for anyone who is waking up to psychic gifts they are just figuring out, or anyone who identifies as being an empath. This is also a good class for anyone who has children who have been described as "overly-sensitive" as we will talk about how to adapt the tools and techniques learned to help those we love.

เกี่ยวกับ Meredith McCowan

Meredith McCowan
Meredith McCowan is a Professional Astrologer practicing in St. Paul, MN. Astrology found its way to her after a lifelong interest in science, metaphysics, astronomy and spirituality. She practices Evolutionary Astrology which focuses on the Soul's growth...
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