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- 36総学習者数
- 7合計セッション
- May 5, 2015活動開始日
- Bluffton, United States位置
Yes, the video to the right has nothing to do with my course offerings and yet, everything to do with my life philosophy which influences what and how I teach. The world is an endlessly fascinating playground for me and it can be for you, too, no matter what your endeavor!
My name is Samantha Love and I have lived a life of wonder, captivated by extra-ordinary moments in time. I am a clairvoyant, empath and certified medium, but my abilities were not always so pronounced. I had to work at developing them. I am also a marketing professional, web designer, photographer and videographer and an intuitive...
Practicing Psychic Medium for over 25+ years.
Instructor at Leadership of Light - LOL (Facebook)
Past Instructor at Zenith School of Metaphysical Studies
Lynda.com (Continuing Education in the areas of Media Design, Photography & Video)
Automatic Intuition (Continuing Education - Slade Roberson)
Zenith School of Metaphysical Studies (Continuing Education - Laura Evans)
Access Consciousness - Bars Facilitator (Dain Heer/Gary Douglas)
Perceptive Awareness Technique (PET - Consuella C. Newton)
Tarot Intensive Study (Kim Davies)